Saturday 9 May 2015

Clay Tree

For the schools' 60th anniversary, the Art dept. made a clay leaf for each pupil in the school at the time. The leaves were bisque fired after which pupils painted their names on individual leaves in under glaze. They were then re-fired. As you can imagine, this process has taken the best part of a year. Last year the "clay tree" was assembled. In the mean time, here are some images of the project in progress.

ready for firing

Wednesday 22 April 2015

A new addition to the fold

Ms Ayanda Mthethwa joined the Art Department in January 2015.
Her speciality is Ceramics, and we look forward to her expertise in this area.



I shudder to admit that I last blogged on this page in ..... !

anyway, I am back, and this time joined by Ms A Mthethwa as a fellow blogger.

Much has happened since the beginning of the year.

Ms Mthethwa joined us in January as Ms Antelme has accepted a post at the University of Pretoria.

We look forward to seeing plenty of action in the Ceramics Studio.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Grade 12 Visual Arts - Resistance Art in SA (Blood River)

Norman Catherine's painting, Blood River is a comment on the state of South Africa in the 1980's. Why do you think he used this title?

Illustration of the historical Battle of Blood River between the Voortrekkers and the Zulu  Impi of Dingaan

The Blood River Monument near Dundee in KZN

Have a look at the following links too:

mad term 2

Hi all. I have been very slack in updating this blog, but I will try and make up for it from now on.

Everyone is up to their eye-balls in deadlines and preparing for the upcoming exams.

I'd like to share the following links with you - well worth a look.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Welcome to our new teacher

Ms Linda Antelme joined the Art Department in January 2012.
She teaches Grades 9, 11 and 12.
Her new ideas and input are most inspiring.

Crit lesson

The dreaded Grade 12 crit lesson. If it is any consolation, PAT 1 in matric is always the most difficult one of your high school career. It will get better as you get used to the work-load.

This could be relief that their turn is over or just hysterical nervous reaction.

"don't look at us!"

Add caption

Some people just don'e take anything seriously!

Monday 5 March 2012

Banksy prank.

Read about this fake "rock art" in the link above

Grade 10 stuff

San tools make from found materials . Pigments found in Port Shepstone Greengrocer (spices etc.) were mixed with raw egg and oil to create these colourful paints.